What temperature is best for parrots

What Temperature Is Best For Parrots?

Most healthy parrots can tolerate average room temperature during the day and night, notwithstanding, taking a few precautions is necessary.

Is the weather too cold or too hot? It is necessary to know the ideal temperature range your pet bird needs to stay healthy. Most pet birds are comfortable with a temperature between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit because they are warm-blooded animals and mostly originate from the temperate region.

Birds maintain their body temperatures more than we humans do. A pet bird has to work and eat more to maintain a normal body temperature. This is why your parrot will eat more when the weather is cold or during winter and they molt in the summer, when it’s warmer.

What temperature is best for parrots

Signs That Your Bird Isn’t Comfortable With Its Environmental Temperature

  • Is Your Bird Looking Like A Puffball?

Have you ever wondered why birds fluff up, having a grumpy reaction or look a little like a downy ball sometimes? The reason your parrot fluff up is a sign that all is not right! This act is just one of the mechanisms birds use in making themselves warm by trapping pockets of warm air next to their skin.If your bird is holding his feathers out and wings are drooping, it’s a sign that the temperature is on the high side.

  • Noticed warm or cold feet or your bird is panting?

If your bird’s feet seem to be extremely hot, it indicates their temperature is more than 40 degree Celsius and their internal temperature is too high. Are the feathers placed very close to the body and does the bird hold its wing as if he wants to fly?Does your bird breathe with its beak wide opened? These are all indications that your the weather is a bit high for your feathered friend!

  • Seen Your Parrot Tucked With Its Head Inside His Feathers?

Birds will normally put his head down and tuck his beak into his breast feather when its cool. A cold bird will also shiver.

Regulating Your Parrot’s Temperature

  • Provide Heat And Avoid Fumes!

Many birds need warmth to remain healthy because once the weather iscool, they get fluffed up, expending all their energy wanting to trap heated air between their feathers and their body. Due to the nature of the respiratory system, exotic birds are very sensitive to almost any fumes.If you must keep them warm, ensure it is not with heat source that emit smokes.

  • Prevent Exposure To Hot Sun

If your bird’s cage is already placed in a direct sunlight, the kindest thing you can do is to remove it to another cooler room, provide a shade cloth material and don’t transport your bird in the hot hour of the day 

  • Offer Your Birds Enough Water!

Most exotic birds get easily dehydrated,this is because of their small body size and fast metabolism. They have a very high water requirement and can become dehydrated quickly.Thus, if you desire to keep your bird or other exotic pet healthy throughout winter and hot summer, be available to provide fresh drinking water daily, and keep an eye on his or her daily water intake. Stressed exotic pets may pant and could lose moisture content through their mouths for this reason, they need more water intake than at any other time.

  • Setting Up A Sprinkler

During the hot months, you can set up a sprinkler once in a while to keep your birds cool or slightly open window or a fan set to help move air on bird.

  • They Need Food More Than Any Other Time So, Feed Them Very Well

Nervous birds may have a reduced craving for foodwhich is usually the major problem faced by pet keepers in winter. Try to offer your Parrot food especially its favorite during inclement weather. If possible, hand feed them or feed them through syringe. It is very important to monitor their appetites to ensure that they are eating when they are exposed to the cold or hot weather. Pets burn extra calories trying to regulate it’s internal temperature, so it is essential you keep an eye on their feeding level. Parrot is too hot

Is Your Parrot Comfortable With The Temperature?

Whether or not your bird is comfortable with temperatures on the lower or higher end of the range depends on a number of factors:

  • Access To Moving Air

If your birds have access to moving air, they will definitely be able to withstand a harsh weather that is as high as 90 degree Fahrenheit. Below are two ways with which  you can provide air movement for your indoor bird:

  • By placing its cage next to an open window or
  • By placing a fan close to the cage. “

This enables your parrot to get air to cool its respiratory system so that its body temperature doesn’t rise,

  • The Bird’s Weight

Very skinny birds have less muscle mass and less subcutaneous fat on their bones to help them keep warm. Skinny birds may not be able to handle a very cold temperature like a bird that has more muscle mass. Obese birds also, are highly prone to overheating and don’t function well in a very hot weather compared to lower weight birds. The fatter the parrot, the less capability it has to cope with high temperature which has make them to be highly prone to heat stress. Their fat layer act as an insulator and it prevents air movement in and out of the air sac. An obese parrot won’t have the capacity to withstand a sudden exposure to 85 degrees Fahrenheit temperature while, a lean parrot could stand 90 or 95 degrees Fahrenheit with no issues.

  • The Usual Temperature In Which They Live

Birds can tolerate extreme cold or hot weather if they are allowed to gradually adjust, or acclimatize to it. Sudden temperature changes can be quite stressful to parrots. Your feathered friend will be in a bad condition if they are suddenly put in an extreme temperature both on either side. Never for any reason allow your bird’s environmental temperature to change more than 10 to 15 degrees in a day. Birds can handle almost any temperature, but they need time to acclimate to prevent the onset of heat stress. What is the best temperature for parrots

Parrots and cold temperatures

At the point when the climate outside gets frightful, it can be more than awkward for pet birds and their owners.

There is no ideal temperature as long as the birds are healthy and can acclimatize to that temperature. If you are going to let your bird go with you this winter, start preparing him at least 3 months ahead.

Their immune systems do not function well at sub-optimal temperatures, their digestive systems and metabolism also slow down during this period. They may get fluffed up, also expending all of their energy trying to trap warm air between their feathers and their bodies to keep warm and stop eating.

Now you know all about parrots and the temperatures that are right for them!

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