Do Lovebirds Need To Be In Pairs?

Do Lovebirds Need To Be In Pairs?

Lovebirds are the common name for the Genus Agapornis, a type of small parrot that comes from Africa and Madagascar. They are mainly green in color, with red or sometimes black faces, and the reason why they are called Lovebirds is that mated pairs showcase a lot of affection towards each other.  Lovebird parrots will…

What Does It Mean When A Cockatiel Hangs Upside Down?

What Does It Mean When A Cockatiel Hangs Upside Down?

If your cockatiel is hanging upside down, it means it’s feeling happy and playful. Hanging upside down is normal bird behavior, and nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it can be seen as a sign that you’ve created a good environment for your cockatiel. We love our birds because of their playful behavior and…

Are Cockatiels Good Pets?

Are Cockatiels Good Pets?

Cockatiels are a type of parrot that make very popular pets. They share many character qualities with parrots but in a smaller and more manageable package. They tend to be relatively quiet and can easily be kept in an apartment without causing too much irritation to your neighbors.  They have an intelligence level slightly above…

How Often Should You Let Your Budgie Out Of Its Cage?

How Often Should You Let Your Budgie Out Of Its Cage?

Budgies and other kinds of parakeets whilst being low maintenance pets can sometimes be more complex to look after as they spend most of their time in their cage but they still require parts of their time to be spent outside their cage.  Unlike dogs or cats, who roam freely around the home and then…