Do Pionus Parrots Make Good Pets?
One of the most overlooked parrots when it comes to choosing your next pet is the Pionus parrot. Seeing as they’re not often opted for, you may be wondering, do Pionus parrots make good pets?
And the answer is yes! Pionus parrots do make good pets. This beautiful little bird has all of the great qualities of this fantastic companion species, but without the negative prospects that can sometimes happen with parrots.
It may be out flashed by more colorful parrots. It might not be as talkative as other birds. However, the Pionus parrot is quiet and devoted to its owners.

Pionus parrots have many great features as a breed. They are quieter than other parrots, are more easy-going than African grays and lovebirds, and their nature will usually depend on how you raise them as a parrot owner.
You should be prepared to spend a lot of time with your Pionus parrot, as in homes with other louder birds, the Pionus might not get the attention they need.
Are Pionus parrots good for kids?
In general, Pionus parrots are good for kids. They make great family birds on the whole as they aren’t prone to becoming attached to a single person. They tend to form strong flock bonds instead of single person bonds.
This will of course vary from bird to bird, but Pionus parrots should be a great way for your kids to get used to having a loving pet in the family.
However, even though the Pionus’ bite isn’t as formidable as that of a cockatoo or Amazon parrot, it’s still best not to leave your kids with them unsupervised.
It’s best to be on the safe side, as you will want to ensure that your kids are being gentle with the Pionus parrot so that the bird is well cared for at all times.
This being said, the Pionus parrot is a great choice for families. This bird tends to have wonderfully caring personalities, and they are pretty gentle compared to other parrot breeds. They’re also not as noisy as some parrots, and definitely aren’t as needy.
As with most parrots, a Pionus does need some supervised out-of-cage time. However, the Pionus parrot is usually happy enough to perch on the top of its cage, watching what’s going on in the room, without needing too much attention.
Your Pionus parrot will be friendly, playful, and while it’s not the most cuddly of birds, it will allow you to pet it for a fair amount of time.
It’s also worth noting that if you care for your Pionus parrot properly, it can live for up to anything between 25 to a whopping 40 years!
What size cage does a Pionus need?
Your Pionus parrot will need a large enough cage so they can move around comfortably. They are very active birds, so need the largest cage that your home can reasonably accommodate.
The absolute minimum sized cage that you should opt for is 24” x 24” x 32”. The larger 39” to 59” height with a floor space of 23” to 39” would be even better, as it will give your bird plenty of space to fly around in.
In terms of cage bars, ¾” spacing should be adequate. For larger Pionus birds, 1” bar spacing will be perfectly fine. It’s also worth investing in some escape-proof latches, too.
The Pionus is a technically savvy bird, so will be able to work out how to open locks in no time at all. Another great thing about Pionus parrots is that they’re not strong chewers, so you won’t have to worry about getting durable cage construction.
You should fit out your cage with plenty of perches, food dishes, as well as several playthings to entertain your Pionus parrot. As with any other birds, you will also need to give your Pionus parrot at least 3 hours of out-of-cage time so that they can properly stretch their wings.
Are Pionus loud?
On the whole, Pionus parrots tend to be quieter than other parrots. They’re not known for being the most talkative of birds, but some individual birds can gain a rather impressive vocabulary.
Interestingly, their speaking voice tends to be on the raspy side, but someone who knows them well should be able to decipher what their Pionus parrot is saying.
The only thing to bear in mind is that the louder the household, the louder your Pionus will be. This goes for all parrots, but if there are lots of kids shouting, dogs barking, and a loud television blaring in the background, it can teach even the quietest of Pionus birds to be loud.
You should also be aware that your Pionus parrot will make a wheezing sound when it’s excited or scared. So if you notice your parrot wheezing, it’s nothing to be worried about.
You should also be aware that the Pionus parrot can sometimes suffer from aspergillosis, which can display the same wheezing. The good news is that as you get to know your parrot more, you’ll be able to distinguish between the two.
Are Pionus parrots good for beginners?
Pionus parrots are good for beginners, yes! That’s because they have a range of great qualities, and aren’t as demanding as some parrots can be.
Pionus parrots are quieter, affectionate, and fairly easy to care for birds. Because of their quieter nature, they are well suited to those who have close neighbors.
There are around 8 different species of Pionus parrot, but 5 of those are usually regularly available to own as pets. Some of the more common species for pets are the Blue-headed Pionus, the Maximilian’s, the White-capped Pionus, and the Bronze-winged Pionus.
What really makes them a fascinating bird for beginners is that not many people tend to opt for them, which can be a draw for some avian owners.
As a general rule, they tend to be fairly non-aggressive, too, which will be great for beginners. Some males may get a bit nippy, especially during the breeding season, but with proper training, you can easily manage this behavior.
Another great feature for beginners is that the Pionus isn’t an overly needy bird. These parrots are quite happy to hang out with you on a play stand next to you. They won’t need loads of attention, compared to other parrot breeds.
You should be aware that they do have a musky odor which isn’t to everyone’s taste. This can also get stronger when your bird is excited. While the Pionus parrot isn’t as visually vibrant compared to some parrots, their colors do become more intense with age.
Do Pionus parrots need a companion?
Ideally, you should get your Pionus parrot a companion. This is because parrots are social birds, and can live in flocks of up to 30 individuals in the wild.
If your Pionus parrot has a companion to keep them company, they’re likely to be much happier as a pet, too. They won’t get as lonely as they would if they were on their own. Your Pionus parrots would be able to keep each other entertained when you weren’t home. It should also make the birds more confident.
However, if your Pionus parrot has been on its own for a while, you will need to acclimatize them to the other bird before you keep them in the same cage.
In summary
So there you have it! The Pionus parrot does indeed make a good pet. This is because they are generally quieter than most other parrots. They also aren’t as needy as some breeds, and are relatively low maintenance.
You will need to make sure that you buy a cage that’s large enough to let them stretch their wings, and give them plenty of things to keep them entertained. Pionus parrots also make great pets for kids, though you will need to supervise them when they’re let out of their cage.