How Do I Know If My Parrotlet Is Happy?
Knowing if a pet is happy can be hard We all want our pets to be happy, of course. However, because they can’t speak, it can be very difficult to know exactly how they are…

How Do You Know If Your Parakeet Likes You?
Parakeets are very sociable birds and humans often form strong bonds with their pets very quickly. However, this friendship is created through the owner understanding the needs of their parakeet and also gaining a good…

Do Lovebirds Need To Be In Pairs?
Lovebirds are the common name for the Genus Agapornis, a type of small parrot that comes from Africa and Madagascar. They are mainly green in color, with red or sometimes black faces, and the reason…

Can Parrots Have Conversations With Humans?
Yes, they sort of can, but not in the same way as you would understand a conversation between two humans – or two parrots, for that matter. Reciprocal exchanges can take place, but they are…

What Does It Mean When A Cockatiel Hangs Upside Down?
If your cockatiel is hanging upside down, it means it’s feeling happy and playful. Hanging upside down is normal bird behavior, and nothing to be alarmed about. In fact, it can be seen as a…

How Do I Know If My Conure Is Happy?
Birds make truly wonderful pets. Sure, they are very different from some other common household pets. They aren’t as fluffy as dogs, and they aren’t as independent as cats, but they really do make great…
How Do I Know If My Cockatoo Is Happy?
Cockatoos make great companions when their needs are met, they’re both affectionate and comical, however, sometimes they can be subdued with their affection and happiness leaving you questioning whether they’re happy or not. Regular pets…

How Do I Know If My Ringneck Is Happy?
As pet parrots go, Indian Ringnecks are some of the loveliest there are, which explains why they’re so popular amongst bird enthusiasts. It’s also true that they are incredibly intelligent, inquisitive and loving creatures. If…

Why Does My Conure Hiss?
Conures are a species of small parrot that are known for their colorful plumage and loveable natures. Being a proud member of the parrot family, conures are also highly intelligent birds who love to make…

Why Do African Greys Hang Upside Down?
When it comes to picking a species of parrot to keep as a pet, there are many varieties that you can choose. From cockatoos to macaws, parrots make great pets because of their outgoing personality…

How Do I Know If My Quaker Parrot Is Happy?
There’s no denying that Quaker parrots are absolutely breathtaking birds. With their classic green markings and totally adorable parrot faces, there’s no denying that they are beautiful. But this type of parrot also make great…

Why Are Cockatoos So Destructive?
Birds make wonderful pets, but there is no denying that they can often be quite destructive. Birds often have large personalities, and this can lead to violent outbursts, which are normally displayed through the destruction…

Is It Okay To Keep A Budgie In Your Bedroom?
If you already have a budgie, or you are thinking about getting one as a pet, you might be wondering when you should keep it once you have brought it home. If you share a…

Are Cockatiels Good Pets?
Cockatiels are a type of parrot that make very popular pets. They share many character qualities with parrots but in a smaller and more manageable package. They tend to be relatively quiet and can easily…

Why Do Parrotlets Hang Upside Down?
Parrotlets are one of the smallest types of parrots, known for being highly intelligent and for being excellent pets. They can talk, like most parrots, and they very quickly become part of the family, as…

Can A Senegal Parrot Talk?
If you are looking to get a pet, and you are a bird enthusiast, then you may be wondering which parrots make the best companions, and what you can expect from them. Luckily, with our…

How Do You Stop My Cockatoo From Screaming When I Leave The Room?
Cockatoos are a type of parrot, and although they make for excellent pets that are intelligent and loving, they are also heavily known for their screaming. Out in the wild, cockatoos live in groups, and…

How Often Should You Let Your Budgie Out Of Its Cage?
Budgies and other kinds of parakeets whilst being low maintenance pets can sometimes be more complex to look after as they spend most of their time in their cage but they still require parts of…

Do Parrotlets Bite?
Parrotlet is the name for seven different species of parrot, all of which are less than 6 inches in length. These are popular pets, especially among people who may prefer having a smaller pet. These…

Do Lovebirds Bite?
When you want to keep a bird as a pet, you’ll often ask yourself what bird is the best one to have. Currently, hundreds of birds can be domesticated, and each species comes with its…

Do Cockatiels Get Mad?
Yeah, for some reason parrots have to bite me. That’s their job. I don’t know why that is. They’ve nearly torn my nose off. I’ve had some really bad parrot bites – Steve Irwin They…

What Fruits Can Caiques Eat?
She was not quite what you’d call refined. She was not quite what you call unrefined. She was the kind of person who would keep a parrot – Mark Twain Known for being playful and…

Do Budgies Know Their Owners?
Budgies are one of the most intelligent species of birds in the world. Besides having the ability to recognize the distinct and subtle differences between individual human voices, budgies are also able to recognize faces…

Do Budgies Like Head Scratches?
Budgies are complex creatures, with an emotional life, at least three layers of language, and several more layers of instinct. But if they all felt and acted the same, we’d be able to replicate them…

Do African Greys Make Good Pets?
Parrots are wonderful pets and companions. One of the most popular and common parrots that many people keep are African Grey parrots. These are absolutely beautiful birds with amazing vocabularies of up to 1,000 words…

Are Male Or Female Parakeets Better?
If you are a bird enthusiast, you may be keen to keep some as pets. However, there is a misconception that birds are easy to care for, and you should be aware of how they…

What Foods Are Bad For Lovebirds?
Birds have very specific dietary requirements and it can be quite overwhelming trying to find out what they can and cannot eat. This is especially true if you have a rare, exotic bird like the…

Are Lovebirds Noisy At Night?
If you are thinking about getting a lovebird, you might be left wondering about the levels of noise that they are going to make, which is more than understandable. When you are bringing any type…

Are Lovebirds Easy To Train?
When it comes to training a lovebird you will need a lot of patience. Generally, as a species, birds are known to be a complicated species to train with some suggesting that training a cat…

Is It Okay To Kiss Your Bird?
You may love your bird and want to show your affection, but the best way to do so isn’t with kisses. While a quick peck on the head might be okay, you should never kiss…

How Do You Tell If Your Canary Is Stressed?
All species of birds, including canaries, often tend to be very sensitive by nature, which can sometimes mean that they are prone to suffering from distress a lot more than other animals. Like us humans,…

Do Macaws Bite Their Owners?
If you’re considering adding a cute macaw to your family, then it’s important to keep in mind that there is a chance that your parrot will bite you sooner or later. If you’re noticing that…

What Do Finches Need In Their Cages?
Finches are easy to care for, but need a cage that keeps them active and entertained. First, ensure your cage is big enough for the finches to fly in. They may only be small birds,…

Do Budgies Like Being Sprayed With Water?
When pondering the benefits of spraying your budgie with a fine mist of water every now and again, it’s worth comparing the bird in its natural habitat with the bird in the habit of your…

Can You Tame A Canary?
Birds are sweet little companions to have living with you in your home, they’re surprisingly good-natured and make the ideal first pet for someone who needs to learn the responsibilities of caring for an animal. …

Do Pionus Parrots Make Good Pets?
One of the most overlooked parrots when it comes to choosing your next pet is the Pionus parrot. Seeing as they’re not often opted for, you may be wondering, do Pionus parrots make good pets?…

How Do You Bond With Pionus?
Pionus parrots are a very rewarding companion to have in your home. They are very affectionate birds and tend to be very friendly. They also make great family pets! One of the things that you’re…

Are Amazon Parrots Aggressive?
Amazon parrots are birds that bring a unique set of challenges as pets. Some of those challenges can be down to genuine, if usually hormonal, aggression. Other challenges are the result of habits and instincts…

Are Canaries Good Pets?
Having a new pet is exciting. They can bring something new into your life and become that missing jigsaw piece to your life. Pets can be wonderful companions but the novelty of a new animal…

Are Caique Parrots Good Pets?
Lovingly referred to as the clowns and comedians of the Parrot family, Caique parrots make wonderful additions to the family. More specifically, these birds are described as being highly energetic, intelligent, and playful, so it’s pretty…

Why Is Your Quaker Parrot Screaming?
Quaker Parrots, also known as monk parakeet, are very curious birds. They can be quite loud and will want to be a part of everything you do. They love to mimic human voices or any sound, and…

Which Parrot Has The Worst Bite?
Parrots are beautiful creatures which are fantastic in almost every aspect of them. They are lovely animals, blessed with an uncommon gift among birds and that is the ability to mimic human speech. Fascinating, isn’t…

Can Parrots Find Their Way Home?
Recently, lost birds have been making the headlines. I’ve heard a lot of people who have experienced this, but the good thing is that some very predictable things happen when a parrot flies away. This…

What Toys Do Parakeets Like?
Parakeets or budgies frequently use toys as an approach to forestall weariness, keep themselves occupied and act as a mental stimulant while alone. Parakeet toys likewise function as devices to workout, a way to ease…

Should Parrots Be Kept In Pairs?
Birds are wonderful creatures. An even more spectacular creature is the parrot. Parrots are known for a lot of things, ranging from their talkativeness to their beauty. They are unique birds which demand the best…

How To Choose A Cage For Your Parrot
Owning a pet bird alone is not enough. The care the owner gives them, even in choosing the best cage with an adequate space, is what gives them the healthy look we admire. And their good…

A Parrot’s Life Stages
It is essential that you know about the life stages of a parrot before owning one, so that you can adequately care for it. Parrots live long lives. There are even some parrot species that…
What are the best parrots for first-time owners?
Parrots are wonderful and beautiful creatures that deserve to be in every home. They are actually nice but they require some management practices. If you are experienced in taking care of your parrots, there are…
Which parrot is the quietest?
Parrots are pretty amazing animals. They are seen by many people as one of the most intelligent animals based on their abilities to imitate human speech. Some parrots even have the ability to learn and…

Green Parrots
Birds have associated with man from early ages and as a result have become one of man’s most favored pets of all time. Out of birds too, there are a select few who make good…

Parrots for Pets
It is no secret that birds make good pets. They are entertaining and a pleasure watch, regardless of the kind of the bird. People favor birds more if they can talk and mimic. For this…