How Do I Know If My Ringneck Is Happy?
As pet parrots go, Indian Ringnecks are some of the loveliest there are, which explains why they’re so popular amongst bird enthusiasts. It’s also true that they are incredibly intelligent, inquisitive and loving creatures.
If you’re new to having a bird in the family, or just especially curious about this particular breed, you might be wondering if there are any indicators to look out for which will let you know when your pet is pleased.
There are several ways that these beautiful birds will indicate they are in a good mood. A few of them are also indicative of other emotions, but you can usually tell with a combination of signs when your Ringneck is feeling particularly positive.
Let’s take a look at what you should be watching and listening for.
Movements and Actions
Some of the time, like for instance if they are also whistling or talking to you, a Ringneck flapping their wings is simply indicative of them being in an especially good mood, maybe even a little bit excited for something. Are you holding a treat, maybe?
In the same way as their canine counterparts, birds will often wag their tail to show they are very pleased to see you. However, it could very well suggest that they are about to poop, too, so do be careful to watch their body language and stand clear!
Dangling Upside Down
Though not all Ringnecks will carry out this behavior on a regular basis, if yours has a tendency to hang from the top of their cage – or anywhere else that serves as a perch – from time to time, they’re incredibly comfortable with their surroundings.
General Playfulness
A happy bird is an energetic bird – it will be very obvious if they are engaged with the world around them and your actions or vocalizations. This is also a sign that things are a-ok and there’s nothing that your Ringneck is lacking… at least right now.
Noises and Vocalizations
Talking And Singing
The clearest sign of a happy Indian Ringneck is when they happily chatter away to you, or even serenade you on occasion, if you’re lucky. Of course, you have to converse with them first for this to happen, but practise definitely makes perfect!
Again, providing a jaunty tune for the amusement of you and them is a surefire way to know that your feathery friend is feeling good and well taken care of. It can get to be a wee bit annoying if they start up in the middle of the night, though!
If their chattering is soft then they’re probably just muttering in contentment, or even teaching themselves to talk, but Indian Ringnecks also have a habit of loudly wittering nearby as an attempt at getting your attention!
In a similar way to their feline frenemies, Ringnecks have a habit of purring when they feel most content. Don’t mistake this for their distinctive growl, though, which is a key indicator that you need to cease and desist your behavior immediately.
Key signs your ringneck is upset or distressed
Even the best bird owners can’t keep their beaky companions singing all of the time, so don’t despair – just make yourself aware of these indicators to look out for and hopefully you’ll be able to rectify whatever has your Ringneck down in the dumps:
Moulting or unkempt feathers
With many parrots, feather picking is a clear indicator that the bird in question is having a difficult time for some reason or another, whether that be an irritating sound in the vicinity that is causing them distress or simply because they are bored.
That being said, if you notice your Ringneck is constantly picking at their feathers, or the picking continues when the stressful stimulus has stopped, then a trip to the vet could be worthwhile to check there’s nothing more sinister going on.
Lack of appetite
Just like us humans, when they’re stressed or otherwise feeling under the weather, it’s common for birds to only pick at their food during mealtimes, or even stop eating altogether in worst case scenarios.
Keep an eye out for any weight loss, as this is a sign that something is seriously wrong and it is time for medical intervention. If you’ve recently changed their food, though, it may well be that they just don’t like this new kind, or the change from long-term routine has distressed them.
Sudden change in temperament
If your Ringneck was once a happy go lucky, carefree bird and has all of a sudden become aggressive or withdrawn, it’s possible something in their environment is causing them distress, they’re not getting enough attention, or they are being neglected by someone else in your house.
If they usually like being handled or don’t particularly mind it but have suddenly started freaking out when touched, it’s possible they have managed to injure themselves without you noticing, and could be worth a trip to the vets.
Lack of energy and reservedness
When you notice your bird is listless and seems to be spending a lot of time at the bottom of their cage, it’s possible that this Ringneck has got the blues.
It’s up to you to work out what’s bringing them down in particular, as it could be a number of things – that’s where the next section comes in handy!
Tips and tricks for taking care of your Indian Ringneck
Feel like the behavior of your beloved bird has changed, but you’re not sure why? It’s possible that trying the following pieces of advice could solve whatever it is that’s got them acting out or feeling blue:
Make sure they have plenty of stimulation
Not necessarily just toys, although they should have a few different ones to choose from that offer various levels of challenge, stimulating your Ringneck could also mean letting them watch TV with you – the visuals are very exciting, even if they don’t make very much sense – or listen to the radio. You might even catch them singing along if you’re lucky!
Offer them your attention regularly
This means plenty of pets, regular handling – if your bird will allow you to or is a fan of being held – and lots of out of the cage action. How would you like to be hanging out in the same relatively small space all day every day? Exactly!
Your bird is the same: those wings were designed to fly, after all. If you don’t have thirty minutes to give to your bird every day, at least, then you shouldn’t have one.
Check their cage is in a suitable location
If you’ve recently moved your Ringneck and their behavior has changed – not for the better – then it’s possible something in that area of your home is causing them distress, or they’re just not a fan of change.
It might be worth moving it back where it was, so that the view becomes familiar again, or try and relocate them somewhere else, but more gradually this time.
Avoid raising your voice
Nobody likes being yelled at, especially those creatures that can’t even understand what it is you’re yelling at them! Staying calm, even in the face of bad behavior, is the sign of a good owner.
Especially when your Ringneck is frightened or otherwise distressed, you could well be teaching them that negative behavior results in attention, whether it’s positive or not.
Keep open body language
When interacting with your Ringneck, particularly if they are already of a nervous disposition, move slowly and carefully so they can always tell what you are going to do at all times.
Don’t ever lead a bird to believe that you might corner them, because they may well fly at your face, which isn’t a pleasant experience for anybody!