Can Parrots Have Conversations With Humans?
Yes, they sort of can, but not in the same way as you would understand a conversation between two humans – or two parrots, for that matter. Reciprocal exchanges can take place, but they are…
Can A Senegal Parrot Talk?
If you are looking to get a pet, and you are a bird enthusiast, then you may be wondering which parrots make the best companions, and what you can expect from them. Luckily, with our…
Can You Teach A Bird Where To Poop?
Birds can be amazing pets, but one of the biggest downsides is having to clean out their cages regularly, especially to clean out all of the poop they leave all over the cage floor. Because…
Are Lovebirds Easy To Train?
When it comes to training a lovebird you will need a lot of patience. Generally, as a species, birds are known to be a complicated species to train with some suggesting that training a cat…
Can You Tame A Canary?
Birds are sweet little companions to have living with you in your home, they’re surprisingly good-natured and make the ideal first pet for someone who needs to learn the responsibilities of caring for an animal. …
Training Your Pet Parrot
Parrots are wonderful pets. You will quickly find that these birds extremely smart and their ability to learn make them fun to train. Keep in mind that any animal that shows signs of high intelligence…